Magic Photography Circuit

Magic nature Eco-Tours

The Galapagos Islands

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Birdwatching Highlights

Begin your birding adventure as soon as you arrive to Ecuador with San Jorge's prime trails, specialized guides and lots of birding options. The Magic Birding Circuit offers over 1,700 species and 65 Hummingbirds.

The Magic Birding &
Photography  Circuit


SAN JORGE eco-lodge & botanical reserve/quito 
andes highlands/high barren plains/highland rainforest
Altitude: 3,000 - 3,100 m.  (9,580 - 10,500 ft. o.s.l.)

SAN JORGE DE TANDAYAPA hummingbird sanctuary & lodge
cloud forest
altitude:  1,700 m.  (5,600 ft. o.s.l.)

SAN JORGE DE MILPE BIRD & orchid reserve
San Jorge cliff lodge & san jorge forest lodge 
upper tropical rainforest
altitude: 900 m.  (3,000 ft. o.s.l.)

andes highland cloud forest
altitude: 2,500 m. (8,000 ft. o.s.l.)

SAN JORGE DE ESTERO HONDO botanical reserve
altitude:  200 m.  (600 ft. o.s.l.)

san jorge de sumaco bird sanctuary
lower amazon basin
altitude:  500 m.  (1,600 ft. o.s.l.)

Rufous- napped brush Finch
NEW - San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo Bird Sanctuary - Amazon Birds
Harpy Eagle
San Jorge de Milpe Eco-Lodge - Ecuadortandayapa milpe birding bird watcing tours ecuador
Quito Birding Day Tours
NEW Deluxe Rustic Suites at San Jorge de Milpe Orchid & Bird Reserve

san jorge ecolodge quite birding lodge ecuador
San Jorge Eco-Lodge & Botanical Reserve
Quito Lodge
ecuador birding bird watching tours
Birding Photography Tours

Ecuador Biird & Wildlife Photography Tours
ecuador birding bird watching tours miple reserve
Birdwatching Milpe Reserve
ecuador birding bird watching tours
Birdwatching Ecuador
ecuador birding bird watching tours
Ecuador Birdwatching
scarlet bellied mountain tanager san jorge ecolodge quito ecuador birding
Giant Antpitta
Birding Tandayapa
pale mandile  san jorge ecolodge quito ecuador birding
White-winged Tanager
Photography in South America
rufus tailed hummingbird
Rufus Tailed Hummingbird
Black Tailed Trainbearer
Andean Ruddy Duck

Bird & Wildlife Photography Ecuador
Birdwatching Tours Ecuador
Birdwatching Ecuador


Wild Life Photo Tours Ecuador

White -tailed Strike Tryant

Birdwatching Tandayapa Ecuador

San Jorge’s Published Books
The Birds of the Metropolitan District of Quito
Read Book Preview

Medicinal Plants of Ecuador
Read Book Preview

Yumbo Culture
Read Book Preview

San Jorge Cookbook
Read Book Preview

The Magic Birding Circuit

ecuador birdwatching tours ~ bird & wildlife photography


The Magic Birding & Photography Circuit is the first of its kind in South America, We own 7 private Birding Reserves and 4 Eco-Lodges in Ecuador, most within a two hour radius of Quito. Experience our Ecuador Birdwatching Tours & Bird & Wildlife Photography Tours and Eco-Tours for nature lovers, visiting up to 13 diverse eco-systems throughout the Andes Highlands, Cloud Forests, Upper Tropical Rainforest, East & West Andes Slope, Paramo, Amazon Tropical Rainforest & Pacific Lowlands.  We have recently have added two NEW private nature reserves to The Magic Circuit collection, introducing San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo Bird Sanctuary in the Amazon Tropical Rainforest, and the NEW San Jorge de Guacamayos Bird Paradise in the Eastern Andes Cloud Forest.

Our private nature reserves offer up to 1,600 possible bird species and 100 Hummingbird species, 15 running waterfalls, 2 ponds, rivers, wild orchids in natural habitat, medicinal plants, butterflies, mammals & diverse flora & fauna. Our all-inclusive Ecuador Tours include airport transfers or pick up from downtown Quito, delicious meals, lodging, specialized English speaking native bird guides and private transportation throughout the reserves. We bird our way from reserve to reserve eliminating unnecessary driving. Our 4 Ecuador Eco-Lodges are rustic and environmentally friendly and offer quality service with comfortable well-appointed rooms furnished in typical décor with optional upgrades for private balcony and stunning views or rustic bungalow rooms.  Enjoy nature and wildlife from our 60 foot high spacious observation tower overlooking the Amazonian canopy and our 45 foot high tower in the Upper Tropical Rainforest.  Swim at the cascading waterfalls with a picnic lunch, or selecting one of our Ecuadorian cultural tours..


Trip Advisor Certificates of Excellence Award

San Jorge de Tandayapa Hummingbird Sanctuary & Lodge
San Jorge de Milpe Orchid & Bird Reserve & Lodges
San Jorge Eco-Lodge & Botanical Reserve/Quito

Our Ecuador Birdwatching Tours


Magic Birding & Photography Circuit Map

Magic Birding Circuit 17 NIGHTS/18 DAYS


East & West Andes Slopes:

Pre-scheduled tour dates for 2025
April 5 - 22;
May 5 - 22;
June 15 - July 2;
September 5 - 22;
October 5 - 22;
November 5 - 22;
December 5 - 22

Day One - Evening airport transfer to San Jorge Eco-Lodge & Botanical Reserve/Quito. Overnight San Jorge/Quito Lodge, no meals included

Day Two - Birding San Jorge Reserve/Quito Birding Center - Upper Farm Road & Yanacocha old road, Alambi Road & Nono Tandayapa Road (ANDES HIGHLANDS/UPPER CLOUD FOREST) feeders, gardens, road walking. Feeders at the lodge are visited by the Black-tailed Trainbearer, Green-tailed Trainbearer, Sword-billed Hummingbird,  Sparkling Violetear, Tyrian Metaltail, Shining Sunbeam, and, the tiny White-bellied Woodstar. The Trail around the lodge offers possible Tufted Tit-tyrant, Rufous-naped Brush-Finch, Azara's Spinetail, Crimson-mantled Woodpecker, Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager, Blue-and-yellow Tanager, Southern Yellow Grosbeak, Red-crested Cotinga, and the Streak-throated Bush-Tyrant. Overnight San Jorge Tandayapa Lodge, includes 3 meals

Days Three & Four - Birding San Jorge de Tandayapa Hummingbird Sanctuary
(CLOUD FOREST) Hummingbird & Tanager feeders, bird walks on pristine trails, Canopy Islands Observation decks, ponds, streams.  Multi-colored bird species like the Blue-winged Mountain Tanager,  Red-headed Barbet,  Three-striped Warbler, White-winged Becard,  Metallic-green Tanager, Crimson-rumped Toucanet, Pale-mandibled Aracari, Golden-naped Tanager, Golden Tanager, Flame-faced Tanager, Orange-bellied Euphonia, along with the Masked Trogon, Squirell Cuckoo, Slate-throated Whitestar, Streak-capped Treehunter, Dusky-capped Flycatcher, Buff-fronted Foliage-Gleaner, Black-chested Tanager, and, with a bit of luck, the Ochre-breasted Antpitta.  Additionally, our feeders are visited by abounding hummingbird species including the iconic Booted Racket-tail and the Violet-tailed Sylph.  Seasonal visits by the iconic Toucan Barbet, and, the Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan along with the Crested Quetzal, and, the Golden-headed Quetzal.  Overnight San Jorge Tandayapa Lodge, includes 3 meals per day

Day Five - Birding Upper San Jorge Tandayapa, Bellavista & San Tadeo road
(CLOUD FOREST/UPPER TROPICAL RAINFOREST) A second chance at the Plate-billed Mountain Toucan and Toucan Barbet along the road of San Tadeo.  Overnight San Jorge/Milpe Forest Lodge, includes 3 meals

Day Six - Birding San Jorge Milpe Reserve (
UPPER TROPICAL RAINFOREST) home of the Banded-ground Cuckoo! (One of the 50 rarest birds in the world).  feeders, trails.  Endemic Choco Toucan, Esmeraldas Antbird, Bicolored Antbird, Choco Warbler, Streaked Xenops, Glistening-green Tanager, Blue-tailed Trogon, Black-throated Trogon, Gartered Trogon, Collared Trogon, White-tailed Trogon, Striped Woodhaunter, Black-headed Antthrush, Scaly-throated Foliage-Gleaner, Buffy Tuftedcheek, Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher, Crismon-bellied Woodpecker, Guayaquil Woodpecker, Red-Rumped Woodpecker, Emerald Tanager, Choco Toucan, White-bearded Manakin, Club-winged Manakin, Northern Schiffornis, Golden-winged Manakin, Purple-throated Fruitcrow and with some luck the Lanceolated Monklet, Berlepsch's Tinamou.  Overnight San Jorge/Milpe Forest Lodge, includes 3 meals

Day Seven - Birding Rio Chaguaryacu feeder and trails; exploring Mashi area.  Overnight San Jorge/Milpe Cliff Lodge, includes 3 meals 

Day Eight - Birding Rio Tatal trails, Milpe road, Forest Lodge observatory & towers.  Return to Quito.  Overnight San Jorge/Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals 

Day Nine - Old Colonial Quito City Tour.  Overnight San Jorge/Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals 

Day Ten - Birding Antisana National Park by vehicle - Andes Condor Reserve (PARAMO/HIGH BARREN PLAINS) feeders, scenic views.  Ecuadorian Hillstar, Andean Teal, Andean Lapwing, Black-faced Ibis, Giant Hummingbird, Andes Condor.  Overnight San Jorge/Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals

Day Eleven - Birding Papallacta Pass, Cayambe Coca (PARAMO/EAST ANDES)  Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle, Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant, Bar-bellied Woodpecker, White-chinned Thistletail, White-browed Spinetail, Many-stripped Canastero, Rainbow-bearded Thornbill, Blue-mantled Thornbill, Viridian Metaltail, Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant, Giant Conebill, Paramo Seedeater, Paramo Tapaculo, and many more.  Overnight brand new San Jorge/Guacamayos Lodge, includes 3 meals                                                                                                    

Days Twelve & Thirteen -
Birding at San Jorge de Guacamayos Bird Paradise (EASTERN SUB-TROPICAL CLOUD FOREST). Visit our private Cock of the Rock Lek.  Possible Blue-headed Hummingbird, Bat Falcon, Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Cliff Flycatcher, Bronze Inca, Flame-faced Tanager, Andean Cock of the Rock (m) Rupicola Peruviana, Golden-collared Honeycreeper, Fork-tailed Honeycreeper, Northern-mountain Cacique, Sunbittern, Ochre-breasted Antpitta, White-tailed Hillstar, Slate-crowned Antpitta, Emerald Toucanet, Berryl-spangled Tanager, Black and Chestnut Eagle, Streaked Tuffedcheck, White-capped Tanager, Yellow-throated Tanager,Wire-crested Thorntail, Violet-fronted Brilliant, White-tailed Hillstar, Mountain Velvetbreast, Bronzy Inca, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Tourmaline Sunangel, Emerald-bellied Puffleg, Long-tailed Sylph and Wedge-billed Hummingbird, after lunch birding San Jorge Guacamayos Low area offers different species possible Deep blue-flower Piecer, Golden eared Tanager, Paradise Tanager, Amazon Umbrella Bird, Mani-banded Acari. Overnight brand new San Jorge Guacamayos Lodge, includes 3 meals 

Day Fourteen -
Birding Hollin, High Sumaco Road.  Feeders, road walking. Overnight Loreto Lodge or new San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Lodge when completed, includes 3 meals                                           

Day Fifteen - Birding San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo Bird Sanctuary
(TROPICAL AMAZONIAN RAINFOREST) Macaws Boulevard (12 species Parrots & 4 Macaw species); 60-foot-high spacious covered Observatory Tower over canopy, (optional afternoon river swim).  Overnight Loreto Lodge or new San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Lodge when completed, includes 3 meals. Blue headed Parrot, Chestnut fronted Macaw, Tawny bellied Owl, Dusky headed Parakeet; Harpy Eagle, and numerous more.                                                                                                                                                                  

Day Sixteen - Birding San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo Bird Sanctuary.
Visit Manikin Lek, up to 8 species - trail walking in the jungle for long distant active walkers, rivers, streams. Possible Wire tailed Manakin, Golden-winged, Striped Manakin, Blue-crowned, Dwarf-tyrant, Club-winged & White-bearded. Wing-banded Piprites  Overnight Loreto Lodge or new San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Lodge when completed, includes 3 meals                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Day Seventeen - early AM stop at San Jorge de Cosanga-Yanayuca Bird & Wildlife Reserve, return drive to Quito. Overnight San Jorge/Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals

Day Eighteen - am airport transfer or to downtown Quito

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Magic Birding & Photography Circuit MAP

We own and operate 7 private birding reserves and 6 birding Eco-Lodges in Ecuador with up to 1600 possible bird species + 100 Hummingbirds, wild orchids, butterflies, mammals and beautiful flora and fauna.  Our lodges are comfortable with quality services and delicious Ecuadorian cuisine. The reserves offer miles of pristine bird trails, Hummingbird/Tanager/Toucan feeders, 25 waterfalls, rivers, ponds, spacious covered observation decks and covered towers overlooking the canopy + bird hides.  Our tours are guided by native bird guides and birding is fabulous!  The diversification of our expeditions offer new birds in each new eco-system visited.  Our brand new San Jorge de Guacamayos Bird Lodge located in the Subtropical Cloud Forest on the East Andes Slope is now open!  It even has its own Cock of the Rock Lek!  Our 2nd new bird lodge, San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo in the Tropical Amazonian Rainforest on the East Andes Slope is projected to open Spring, 2023. 

The Magic Birding Circuit Tours are all-inclusive, including round trip airport transfers, comfortable lodging accommodations, daily guided bird walks with specialized native bird guides to the region, inter-lodge private transportation and reserve entrance fees. Added features while at San Jorge Lodges include delicious Ecuadorian and International cuisine with top quality service.  Our West Andes Lodges & Reserves visited on this tour are located in the Coco Corridor which has the most concentrated amount of birds in Ecuador as this area was never hit by the ice age.  This tour is for active birders without physical limitation who can walk and bird steadily for approximately 3 hours in the morning and also the afternoon. 

Magic Birding Circuit Tour - 11 Nights/12 Days


East & West Andes Slopes:

Pre-scheduled tour dates for 2025
May 1 - 12;
June 5 - 16;
July 5 - 16;
August 5 - 16

Day One – Evening Airport transfer to San Jorge Eco-Lodge & Botanical Reserve/Quito; overnight San Jorge/Quito Lodge, no meals included

Day Two – Birding San Jorge Reserve/Quito Birding Center - Upper Farm Road & Yanacocha old road, Alambi Road & Nono Tandayapa Road
(ANDES HIGHLANDS/UPPER CLOUD FOREST) feeders, gardens, road walking. Feeders at the lodge are visited by the Black-tailed Trainbearer, Green-tailed Trainbearer, Sword-billed Hummingbird,  Sparkling Violetear, Tyrian Metaltail, Shining Sunbeam, and, the tiny White-bellied Woodstar. The Trail around the lodge offers possible Tufted Tit-tyrant, Rufous-naped Brush-Finch, Azara's Spinetail, Crimson-mantled Woodpecker, Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager, Blue-and-yellow Tanager, Southern Yellow Grosbeak, Red-crested Cotinga, and the Streak-throated Bush-Tyrant.  Overnight San Jorge Tandayapa Lodge, includes 3 meals (boxed lunch)

Day Three - Birding San Jorge de Tandayapa Hummingbird Sanctuary
(CLOUD FOREST)  Hummingbird & Tanager feeders, bird walks on pristine trails, Canopy Islands Observation decks, ponds, streams.  Multi-colored bird species like the Blue-winged Mountain Tanager,  Red-headed Barbet,  Three-striped Warbler, White-winged Becard,  Metallic-green Tanager, Crimson-rumped Toucanet, Pale-mandibled Aracari, Golden-naped Tanager, Golden Tanager, Flame-faced Tanager, Orange-bellied Euphonia, along with the Masked Trogon, Squirell Cuckoo, Slate-throated Whitestar, Streak-capped Treehunter, Dusky-capped Flycatcher, Buff-fronted Foliage-Gleaner, Black-chested Tanager, and, with a bit of luck, the Ochre-breasted Antpitta.  Additionally, our feeders are visited by abounding hummingbird species including the iconic Booted Racket-tail and the Violet-tailed Sylph.  Seasonal visits by the iconic Toucan Barbet, and, the Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan along with the Crested Quetzal, and, the Golden-headed Quetzal.  Overnight San Jorge Tandayapa Lodge, includes 3 meals                                                                                                                              

Day Four - Birding Upper San Jorge Tandayapa, Bellavista & San Tadeo road (CLOUD FOREST/UPPER TROPICAL RAINFOREST) A second chance at the Plate-billed Mountain Toucan and Toucan Barbet along the road of San Tadeo.  Overnight San Jorge/Milpe Forest Lodge, includes 3 meals (boxed lunch)

Day Five -  Birding San Jorge Milpe Reserve (UPPER TROPICAL RAINFOREST) home of the Banded-ground Cuckoo! (One of the 50 rarest birds in the world).  feeders, trails.  Endemic Choco Toucan, Esmeraldas Antbird, Bicolored Antbird, Choco Warbler, Streaked Xenops, Glistening-green Tanager, Blue-tailed Trogon, Black-throated Trogon, Gartered Trogon, Collared Trogon, White-tailed Trogon, Striped Woodhaunter, Black-headed Antthrush, Scaly-throated Foliage-Gleaner, Buffy Tuftedcheek, Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher, Crismon-bellied Woodpecker, Guayaquil Woodpecker, Red-Rumped Woodpecker, Emerald Tanager, Choco Toucan, White-bearded Manakin, Club-winged Manakin, Northern Schiffornis, Golden-winged Manakin, Purple-throated Fruitcrow and with some luck the Lanceolated Monklet, Berlepsch's Tinamou.  Overnight San Jorge/Milpe Forest Lodge, includes 3 meals

Day Six – Birding Rio Chaguaryacu feeder and trails; exploring Mashi area.  Overnight San Jorge/Milpe Cliff Lodge, includes 3 meals

Day Seven – Birding Rio Tatal trails, Milpe road, Forest Lodge observatory
Return to Quito.  Overnight San Jorge/Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals

Day Eight – Birding Papallacta Pass, Cayambe Coca
(PARAMO/EAST ANDES)  Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle, Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant, Bar-bellied Woodpecker, White-chinned Thistletail, White-browed Spinetail, Many-stripped Canastero, Rainbow-bearded Thornbill, Blue-mantled Thornbill, Viridian Metaltail, Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant, Giant Conebill, Paramo Seedeater, Paramo Tapaculo, and many more.  Overnight brand new San Jorge/Guacamayos Lodge, includes 3 meals 

Days Nine & Ten - Birding at San Jorge de Guacamayos Bird Paradise (EASTERN SUB-TROPICAL CLOUD FOREST). Visit our private Cock of the Rock Lek.  Possible Blue-headed Hummingbird, Bat Falcon, Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Cliff Flycatcher, Bronze Inca, Flame-faced Tanager, Andean Cock of the Rock (m) Rupicola Peruviana, Golden-collared Honeycreeper, Fork-tailed Honeycreeper, Northern-mountain Cacique, Sunbittern, Ochre-breasted Antpitta, White-tailed Hillstar, Slate-crowned Antpitta, Emerald Toucanet, Berryl-spangled Tanager, Black and Chestnut Eagle, Streaked Tuffedcheck, White-capped Tanager, Yellow-throated Tanager,Wire-crested Thorntail, Violet-fronted Brilliant, White-tailed Hillstar, Mountain Velvetbreast, Bronzy Inca, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Tourmaline Sunangel, Emerald-bellied Puffleg, Long-tailed Sylph and Wedge-billed Hummingbird, after lunch birding San Jorge Guacamayos Low area offers different species possible Deep blue-flower Piecer, Golden eared Tanager, Paradise Tanager, Amazon Umbrella Bird, Mani-banded Acari.

Day Nine
Overnight brand new San Jorge/Guacamayos Lodge.  Day Ten afternoon drive back to Quito, overnight San Jorge/Quito Lodge , includes 3 meals per day  

Day Eleven - Birding Antisana National Park by vehicle - Andes Condor Reserve (PARAMO), feeders, Ecuadorian Hillstar, Andean Teal, Andean Lapwing, Black-faced Ibis, Giant Hummingbird, overnight San Jorge/Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals

Day Twelve
– am airport transfer

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Magic Birding & Photography Circuit MAP

We own and operate 7 private birding reserves and 6 birding Eco-Lodges in Ecuador with up to 1600 possible bird species + 100 Hummingbirds, wild orchids, butterflies, mammals and beautiful flora and fauna.  Our lodges are comfortable with quality services and delicious Ecuadorian cuisine. The reserves offer miles of pristine bird trails, Hummingbird/Tanager/Toucan feeders, 25 waterfalls, rivers, ponds, spacious covered observation decks and covered towers overlooking the canopy + bird hides.  Our tours are guided by native bird guides and birding is fabulous!  The diversification of our expeditions offer new birds in each new eco-system visited.  Our brand new San Jorge de Guacamayos Bird Lodge located in the Subtropical Cloud Forest on the East Andes Slope is now open!  It even has its own Cock of the Rock Lek!  Our 2nd new bird lodge, San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo in the Tropical Amazonian Rainforest on the East Andes Slope is projected to open Spring, 2023. 

The Magic Birding Circuit Tours are all-inclusive, including round trip airport transfers, comfortable lodging accommodations, daily guided bird walks with specialized native bird guides to the region, inter-lodge private transportation and reserve entrance fees. Added features while at San Jorge Lodges include delicious Ecuadorian and International cuisine with top quality service.  Our West Andes Lodges & Reserves visited on this tour are located in the Coco Corridor which has the most concentrated amount of birds in Ecuador as this area was never hit by the ice age.  This tour is for active birders without physical limitation who can walk and bird steadily for approximately 3 hours in the morning and also the afternoon. 

Magic Birding Circuit 7 NIGHTS/8 DAYS



Pre-scheduled tour dates for 2025
May 1 - 8;
June 5 - 12;
July 5 - 12;
August 5 - 16

Day One - Evening Airport transfer to San Jorge Eco-Lodge & Botanical Reserve/Quito; overnight San Jorge/Quito Lodge, no meals included

Day Two - Birding San Jorge Reserve/Quito Birding Center - Upper Farm Road & Yanacocha old road, Alambi Road & Nono Tandayapa Road (ANDES HIGHLANDS/UPPER CLOUD FOREST) feeders, gardens, road walking. Feeders at the lodge are visited by the Black-tailed Trainbearer, Green-tailed Trainbearer, Sword-billed Hummingbird,  Sparkling Violetear, Tyrian Metaltail, Shining Sunbeam, and, the tiny White-bellied Woodstar. The Trail around the lodge offers possible Tufted Tit-tyrant, Rufous-naped Brush-Finch, Azara's Spinetail, Crimson-mantled Woodpecker, Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager, Blue-and-yellow Tanager, Southern Yellow Grosbeak, Red-crested Cotinga, and the Streak-throated Bush-Tyrant.  Overnight San Jorge Tandayapa Lodge, includes 3 meals (boxed lunch)

Day Three - Birding San Jorge de Tandayapa Hummingbird Sanctuary
(CLOUD FOREST)  Hummingbird & Tanager feeders, bird walks on pristine trails, Canopy Islands Observation decks, ponds, streams.  Multi-colored bird species like the Blue-winged Mountain Tanager,  Red-headed Barbet,  Three-striped Warbler, White-winged Becard,  Metallic-green Tanager, Crimson-rumped Toucanet, Pale-mandibled Aracari, Golden-naped Tanager, Golden Tanager, Flame-faced Tanager, Orange-bellied Euphonia, along with the Masked Trogon, Squirell Cuckoo, Slate-throated Whitestar, Streak-capped Treehunter, Dusky-capped Flycatcher, Buff-fronted Foliage-Gleaner, Black-chested Tanager, and, with a bit of luck, the Ochre-breasted Antpitta.  Additionally, our feeders are visited by abounding hummingbird species including the iconic Booted Racket-tail and the Violet-tailed Sylph.  Seasonal visits by the iconic Toucan Barbet, and, the Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan along with the Crested Quetzal, and, the Golden-headed Quetzal.  Overnight San Jorge Tandayapa Lodge, includes 3 meals

Day Four - Birding Upper San Jorge Tandayapa, Bellavista & San Tadeo road
(CLOUD FOREST/UPPER TROPICAL RAINFOREST) A second chance at the Plate-billed Mountain Toucan and Toucan Barbet along the road of San Tadeo.  Overnight San Jorge/Milpe Forest Lodge, includes 3 meals (boxed lunch)

Day Five - Birding San Jorge Milpe Reserve (
UPPER TROPICAL RAINFOREST) home of the Banded-ground Cuckoo! (One of the 50 rarest birds in the world).  feeders, trails.  Endemic Choco Toucan, Esmeraldas Antbird, Bicolored Antbird, Choco Warbler, Streaked Xenops, Glistening-green Tanager, Blue-tailed Trogon, Black-throated Trogon, Gartered Trogon, Collared Trogon, White-tailed Trogon, Striped Woodhaunter, Black-headed Antthrush, Scaly-throated Foliage-Gleaner, Buffy Tuftedcheek, Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher, Crismon-bellied Woodpecker, Guayaquil Woodpecker, Red-Rumped Woodpecker, Emerald Tanager, Choco Toucan, White-bearded Manakin, Club-winged Manakin, Northern Schiffornis, Golden-winged Manakin, Purple-throated Fruitcrow and with some luck the Lanceolated Monklet, Berlepsch's Tinamou.  Overnight San Jorge/Milpe Forest Lodge, includes 3 meals

Day Six - Birding Rio Chaguaryacu feeder and trails; exploring Mashi area. 
Overnight San Jorge/Milpe Cliff Lodge, includes 3 meals

Day Seven - Birding Rio Tatal trails, Milpe road, Forest Lodge observatory
Return to Quito.  Overnight San Jorge/Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals

Day Eight
- am airport transfer

Request Pricing Information

Magic Birding & Photography Circuit MAP

We own and operate 7 private birding reserves and 6 birding Eco-Lodges in Ecuador with up to 1600 possible bird species + 100 Hummingbirds, wild orchids, butterflies, mammals and beautiful flora and fauna.  Our lodges are comfortable with quality services and delicious Ecuadorian cuisine. The reserves offer miles of pristine bird trails, Hummingbird/Tanager/Toucan feeders, 25 waterfalls, rivers, ponds, spacious covered observation decks and covered towers overlooking the canopy + bird hides.  Our tours are guided by native bird guides and birding is fabulous!  The diversification of our expeditions offer new birds in each new eco-system visited.  Our brand new San Jorge de Guacamayos Bird Lodge located in the Subtropical Cloud Forest on the East Andes Slope is now open!  It even has its own Cock of the Rock Lek!  Our 2nd new bird lodge, San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo in the Tropical Amazonian Rainforest on the East Andes Slope is projected to open Spring, 2023. 

The Magic Birding Circuit Tours are all-inclusive, including round trip airport transfers, comfortable lodging accommodations, daily guided bird walks with specialized native bird guides to the region, inter-lodge private transportation and reserve entrance fees. Added features while at San Jorge Lodges include delicious Ecuadorian and International cuisine with top quality service.  Our West Andes Lodges & Reserves visited on this tour are located in the Coco Corridor which has the most concentrated amount of birds in Ecuador as this area was never hit by the ice age.  This tour is for active birders without physical limitation who can walk and bird steadily for approximately 3 hours in the morning and also the afternoon. 





2025 Pre-scheduled tour dates
April 14 - 22;
June 24 - July 2;
September 14 - September 22;
October 14 - 22;
November 14 - November 22 ;
December 14 - 22


Day One - Evening airport transfer to San Jorge Eco-Lodge & Botanical Reserve/Quito. Overnight San Jorge/Quito Lodge, no meals included

Day Two - Birding Papallacta Pass, Cayambe Coca (PARAMO/EAST ANDES)  Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle, Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant, Bar-bellied Woodpecker, White-chinned Thistletail, White-browed Spinetail, Many-stripped Canastero, Rainbow-bearded Thornbill, Blue-mantled Thornbill, Viridian Metaltail, Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant, Giant Conebill, Paramo Seedeater, Paramo Tapaculo, and many more.  Overnight brand new San Jorge/Guacamayos Lodge, includes 3 meals

Days Three & Four -
Birding at San Jorge de Guacamayos Bird Paradise (EASTERN SUB-TROPICAL CLOUD FOREST). Visit our private Cock of the Rock Lek.  Possible Blue-headed Hummingbird, Bat Falcon, Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Cliff Flycatcher, Bronze Inca, Flame-faced Tanager, Andean Cock of the Rock (m) Rupicola Peruviana, Golden-collared Honeycreeper, Fork-tailed Honeycreeper, Northern-mountain Cacique, Sunbittern, Ochre-breasted Antpitta, White-tailed Hillstar, Slate-crowned Antpitta, Emerald Toucanet, Berryl-spangled Tanager, Black and Chestnut Eagle, Streaked Tuffedcheck, White-capped Tanager, Yellow-throated Tanager,Wire-crested Thorntail, Violet-fronted Brilliant, White-tailed Hillstar, Mountain Velvetbreast, Bronzy Inca, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Tourmaline Sunangel, Emerald-bellied Puffleg, Long-tailed Sylph and Wedge-billed Hummingbird, after lunch birding San Jorge Guacamayos Low area offers different species possible Deep blue-flower Piecer, Golden eared Tanager, Paradise Tanager, Amazon Umbrella Bird, Mani-banded Acari. Overnight brand new San Jorge Guacamayos Lodge, includes 3 meals                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Day Five -
Birding Hollin, High Sumaco Road.  Feeders, road walking. Overnight Loreto Lodge or new San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Lodge when completed, includes 3 meals                                          

Day Six - Birding San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo Bird Sanctuary
(TROPICAL AMAZONIAN RAINFOREST) Macaws Boulevard (12 species Parrots & 4 Macaw species); 60-foot-high spacious covered Observatory Tower over canopy, (optional afternoon river swim).  Overnight Loreto Lodge or new San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Lodge when completed, includes 3 meals. Blue headed Parrot, Chestnut fronted Macaw, Tawny bellied Owl, Dusky headed Parakeet; Harpy Eagle, and numerous more.

Day Seven- Birding San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo Bird Sanctuary.
Visit Manikin Lek, up to 8 species - trail walking in the jungle for long distant active walkers, rivers, streams. Possible Wire tailed Manakin, Golden-winged, Striped Manakin, Blue-crowned, Dwarf-tyrant, Club-winged & White-bearded. Wing-banded Piprites  Overnight Loreto Lodge or new San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Lodge when completed, includes 3 meals

Day Eight - early AM stop at San Jorge de Cosanga-Yanayuca Bird & Wildlife Reserve, return drive to Quito. Overnight San Jorge/Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals 
Day Nine - am airport transfer or to downtown Quito

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Magic Birding & Photography Circuit MAP

We own and operate 7 private birding reserves and 6 birding Eco-Lodges in Ecuador with up to 1600 possible bird species + 100 Hummingbirds, wild orchids, butterflies, mammals and beautiful flora and fauna.  Our lodges are comfortable with quality services and delicious Ecuadorian cuisine. The reserves offer miles of pristine bird trails, Hummingbird/Tanager/Toucan feeders, 25 waterfalls, rivers, ponds, spacious covered observation decks and covered towers overlooking the canopy + bird hides.  Our tours are guided by native bird guides and birding is fabulous!  The diversification of our expeditions offer new birds in each new eco-system visited.  Our brand new San Jorge de Guacamayos Bird Lodge located in the Subtropical Cloud Forest on the East Andes Slope is now open!  It even has its own Cock of the Rock Lek!  Our 2nd new bird lodge, San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo in the Tropical Amazonian Rainforest on the East Andes Slope is projected to open Spring, 2023.

The Magic Birding Circuit Tours are all-inclusive, including round trip airport transfers, comfortable lodging accommodations, daily guided bird walks with specialized native bird guides to the region, inter-lodge private transportation and reserve entrance fees. Added features while at San Jorge Lodges include delicious Ecuadorian and International cuisine with top quality service.  Our West Andes Lodges & Reserves visited on this tour are located in the Coco Corridor which has the most concentrated amount of birds in Ecuador as this area was never hit by the ice age.  This tour is for active birders without physical limitation who can walk and bird steadily for approximately 3 hours in the morning and also the afternoon.

The Magic Birding Circuit Photo Tours are all-inclusive, including airport transfers, comfortable lodging accommodations, meals, native bird guide and inter-lodge private transportation. Added features while at San Jorge Lodges & Private Reserves include delicious Ecuadorian and International cuisine and quality service.  This tour is for photographers without physical limitation who can also trail walk steadily.


West Andes Slope - Andes Highlands, Cloud Forest, Upper Tropical Rainforest, Paramo


Visit 5 different eco-systems with new birds every few days!

2024 Pre-scheduled tour dates

2025 Pre-scheduled tour dates
May 5 - 14;
October 10 – 19;
December 10 – 19

DAY ONE – Airport transfer to San Jorge Eco-Lodge & Botanical Reserve/Quito, day to relax and acclimate.  
Feeders – possible Sword-billed Hummingbird. Overnight SJ Quito Lodge, no meals included

DAY TWO – Bird Photo San Jorge Eco-Lodge & Botanical Reserve/Quito (Andes Highlands) – feeders, gardens, trails, visit Zuri feeders.  Overnight San Jorge Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY THREE & FOUR - Bird Photo San Jorge de Tandayapa Hummingbird Sanctuary (Cloud Forest).  Hummingbird & Tanager feeders, expansive observation decks, trail walking, Moth feeder with hide for rare species, rivers, ponds. Overnight San Jorge Tandayapa Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY FIVE – Bird Photo Pena Tanai, afternoon Quinde.  Overnight San Jorge de Tandayapa Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY SIX – Bird Photo San Jorge de Milpe Orchid & Bird Reserve (Upper Tropical Rainforest).  Hummingbird, Tanager & Toucan feeders, expansive observation decks, 45’ high covered tower over canopy, trail walking, waterfalls. Overnight San Jorge Milpe Forest Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY SEVEN – Bird Photo Nan feeders and San Jorge Milpe Orchid & Bird Reserve.  Overnight San Jorge de Milpe Forest Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY EIGHT – Bird Photo Umbrellabird LEK, afternoon return to San Jorge Quito.  Overnight San Jorge Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY NINE – Bird Photo Antisana National Park Reserve by vehicle (Paramo).  Feeders, possible Andes Condor. Overnight San Jorge Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY TEN – am airport transfer

Optional:  Multi-flash set up while at our 3 West Slope lodges. 

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The Magic Birding Circuit Photo Tours are all-inclusive, including airport transfers, comfortable lodging accommodations, meals, native bird guide and inter-lodge private transportation. Added features while at San Jorge Lodges & Private Reserves include delicious Ecuadorian and International cuisine and quality service.  This tour is for photographers without physical limitation who can trail walk steadily.

ITINERARY: 18 Nights/19 Days

EAST & WEST ANDES SLOPES & AMAZON JUNGLE - Andes Highlands, Cloud Forests, Upper Tropical Rainforest, Paramos, Tropical Amazonian Rainforest & Amazon Jungle


Visit 9 different eco-systems with new birds every few days!

Pre-scheduled tour dates for 2024

Pre-scheduled tour dates for 2025
May 5 - 23;
October 10 - 28;

DAY ONE - Airport transfer to San Jorge Eco-Lodge & Botanical Reserve/Quito,
day to relax and acclimate.  Feeders - possible Sword-billed Hummingbird. Overnight SJ Quito Lodge, no meals included

DAY TWO - Bird Photo San Jorge Eco-Lodge & Botanical Reserve/Quito (Andes Highlands) - feeders, gardens, trails, visit Zuri feeders.  Overnight San Jorge Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY THREE & FOUR - Bird Photo San Jorge de Tandayapa Hummingbird Sanctuary (Cloud Forest).  Hummingbird & Tanager feeders, expansive observation decks, trail walking, Moth feeder with hide for rare species, rivers, ponds.
Overnight San Jorge Tandayapa Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY FIVE - Bird Photo Pena, afternoon Quinde or similar. 
Overnight San Jorge de Tandayapa Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY SIX - Bird Photo San Jorge de Milpe Orchid & Bird Reserve (Upper Tropical Rainforest).  Hummingbird, Tanager & Toucan feeders, expansive observation decks, 45’ high covered tower over canopy, trail walking, waterfalls.
Overnight San Jorge Milpe Forest Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY SEVEN - Bird Photo Nan feeders and San Jorge Milpe Orchid & Bird Reserve. 
Overnight San Jorge de Milpe Forest Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY EIGHT - Bird Photo Umbrellabird LEK,
afternoon return to San Jorge Quito.  Overnight San Jorge Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY NINE - Bird Photo Antisana National Park Reserve by vehicle (Paramo).  Feeders, possible Andes Condor.
Overnight San Jorge Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY TEN - Bird Photo Papallacta Pass-Cayambe Coca National Park.  Afternoon Coca-Cuyuja River. 
Overnight brand new San Jorge de Guacamayos Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY ELEVEN & TWELVE - Bird Photo San Jorge de Guacamayos Reserve (Eastern Sub-tropical Cloud Forest).  Private Cock of the Rock Lek. Observation decks & platforms, trail walking.
Overnight new San Jorge Guacamayos Lodge, includes 3 meals per day

DAY THIRTEEN - Bird Photo Wayra, continue to San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo Bird & Wildlife Reserve (Tropical Amazonian Rainforest). 
Overnight brand new San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo Aquatic Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY FOURTEEN - Bird Photo San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Reserve -  Observation decks, 65’ high tower over canopy; pristine trails; gardens, 4 Monkey species.  Afternoon aquatic observations decks, surrounding of lodge, ponds and lagoon.
Overnight new San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY FIFTEEN - Photo Coca Oxbow Lake by motorized canoe, afternoon to Amazon Jungle Lodge (Amazon Jungle). 
Overnight Amazon Jungle Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY SIXTEEN - Photo Parrot & Macaw Hide & Amazon Jungle.
Overnight Amazon Jungle Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY SEVENTEEN - Photography boating Napo River - Parrot Clay Lick.  After lunch, boat back to San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Reserve. 
Overnight new San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Lodge, includes 3

DAY EIGHTEEN - am San Jorge Sumaco Bajo photography, return drive to San Jorge Quito, overnight San Jorge Quito Lodge,
includes 3 meals

DAY NINETEEN - am airport transfer

Optional:  Multi-flash set up while at our 3 West Slope lodges


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The Magic Birding Circuit Photo Tours are all-inclusive, including airport transfers, comfortable lodging accommodations, meals, native bird guide and inter-lodge private transportation. Added features while at San Jorge Lodges & Private Reserves include delicious Ecuadorian and International cuisine and quality service.  This tour is for photographers without physical limitation who can trail walk steadily.

14 Nights/15 Days
EAST & WEST ANDES SLOPES - Andes Highlands, Cloud Forests, Upper Tropical Rainforest, Paramos, Tropical Amazonian Rainforest


Visit 9 different eco-systems with new birds every few days!

Pre-scheduled tour dates for 2024

Pre-scheduled tour dates for 2025
May 5 - 19;
October 10 - 24;
December 10 - 24

DAY ONE - Airport transfer to San Jorge Eco-Lodge & Botanical Reserve/Quito, day to relax and acclimated.  
Feeders - possible Sword-billed Hummingbird. Overnight SJ Quito Lodge, no meals included

DAY TWO - Bird Photo San Jorge Eco-Lodge & Botanical Reserve/Quito (Andes Highlands) - feeders, gardens, trails,  visit Zuri feeders.  Overnight San Jorge Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY THREE & FOUR - Bird Photo San Jorge de Tandayapa Hummingbird Sanctuary (Cloud Forest).  Hummingbird & Tanager feeders, expansive observation decks, trail walking, Moth feeder with hide for rare species, rivers, ponds. Overnight San Jorge Tandayapa Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY FIVE - Bird Photo Pena Tanai, afternoon Quinde. 
Overnight San Jorge de Tandayapa Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY SIX - Bird Photo San Jorge de Milpe Orchid & Bird Reserve (Upper Tropical Rainforest).  Hummingbird, Tanager & Toucan feeders, expansive observation decks, 45’ high covered tower over canopy, trail walking, waterfalls.
Overnight San Jorge Milpe Forest Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY SEVEN - Bird Photo Nan feeders and San Jorge Milpe Orchid & Bird Reserve. 
Overnight San Jorge de Milpe Forest Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY EIGHT - Bird Photo Umbrellabird LEK,
afternoon return to San Jorge Quito.  Overnight San Jorge Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY NINE - Bird Photo Antisana National Park Reserve by vehicle (Paramo).  Feeders, possible Andes Condor.
Overnight San Jorge Quito Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY TEN - Bird Photo Papallacta Pass-Cayambe Coca National Park.  Afternoon Coca-Cuyuja River. 
Overnight brand new San Jorge de Guacamayos Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY ELEVEN & TWELVE - Bird Photo San Jorge de Guacamayos Reserve (Eastern Sub-tropical Cloud Forest).  Private Cock of the Rock Lek. Observation decks & platforms, trail walking.
Overnight new San Jorge Guacamayos Lodge, includes 3 meals per day

DAY THIRTEEN - Bird Photo Wayra, continue to San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo Bird & Wildlife Reserve (Tropical Amazonian Rainforest). 
Overnight brand new San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo Aquatic Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY FOURTEEN - Bird Photo San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Reserve -  Observation decks, 65’ high tower over canopy; pristine trails; gardens, 4 Monkey species.  Afternoon aquatic observations decks, surrounding of lodge, ponds and lagoon.
Overnight new San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY FIFTEEN - 7:00 am airport transfer to Coca Airport (fly Coca to Quito Airport - purchase air ticket on your own -  Latham Airlines 50min. flight departs Coca 10:15 am)

Optional:  Multi-flash set up while at our 3 West Slope lodges


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The Magic Birding Circuit Photo Tours are all-inclusive, including airport transfers, comfortable lodging accommodations, meals, native bird guide and inter-lodge private transportation. Added features while at San Jorge Lodges & Private Reserves include delicious Ecuadorian and International cuisine and quality service.  This tour is for photographers without physical limitation who can also trail walk steadily.


EAST ANDES SLOPE & AMAZON JUNGLE - Andes Highlands, Sub-tropical Cloud Forest, Paramo, Tropical Amazonian Rainforest & Amazon Jungle


Visit 5 different eco-systems with new birds every few days!

2024 Pre-scheduled tour dates

2025 Pre-scheduled tour dates
May 13 - 23;
October 10 - 28;

DAY ONE - Airport transfer to San Jorge Eco-Lodge & Botanical Reserve/Quito, day to relax and acclimate.  
Feeders - possible Sword-billed Hummingbird. Overnight SJ Quito Lodge, no meals included

DAY TWO - Bird Photo Papallacta Pass-Cayambe Coca National Park.  Afternoon Coca-Cuyuja River.  Overnight brand new San Jorge de Guacamayos Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY THREE & FOUR - Bird Photo San Jorge de Guacamayos Reserve (Eastern Sub-tropical Cloud Forest).  Private Cock of the Rock Lek. Observation decks & platforms, trail walking.
Overnight new San Jorge Guacamayos Lodge, includes 3 meals per day

DAY FIVE - Bird Photo Wayra, continue to San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo Bird & Wildlife Reserve (Tropical Amazonian Rainforest). 
Overnight brand new San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo Aquatic Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY SIX - Bird Photo San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Reserve - Observation decks, 65’ high tower over canopy; pristine trails; gardens, 4 Monkey species.  Afternoon aquatic observations decks, surrounding of lodge, ponds and lagoon.
Overnight new San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY SEVEN - Photo Coca Oxbow Lake by motorized canoe, afternoon to Amazon Jungle Lodge. 
Overnight Mandi, includes 3 meals

DAY EIGHT - Photo Parrot & Macaw Hide & Amazon Jungle.
Overnight Mandi, includes 3 meals

DAY NINE - After breakfast, boating Napo River - Parrot Clay Lick.  After lunch, boat back to San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Reserve. 
Overnight San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY TEN - am San Jorge Sumaco Bajo photography, return to San Jorge Quito, overnight San Jorge Quito Lodge,
includes 3 meals

DAY ELEVEN - am airport transfer

Request Pricing Information

The Magic Birding Circuit Photo Tours are all-inclusive, including airport transfers, comfortable lodging accommodations, meals, native bird guide and inter-lodge private transportation. Added features while at San Jorge Lodges & Private Reserves include delicious Ecuadorian and International cuisine and quality service.  This tour is for photographers without physical limitation who can also trail walk steadily.

6 Nights/7 Days

EAST ANDES SLOPE - Andes Highlands, Sub-tropical Cloud Forest, Paramo & Tropical Amazonian Rainforest


Visit 5 different eco-systems with new birds every couple of days!

2025 Pre-scheduled tour dates
May 13 - 19;
October 18 - 24;
December 18 - 24;

DAY ONE - Airport transfer to San Jorge Eco-Lodge & Botanical Reserve/Quito, day to relax and acclimate.  Feeders - possible Sword-billed Hummingbird. Overnight SJ Quito Lodge, no meals included

DAY TWO - Bird Photo Papallacta Pass-Cayambe Coca National Park.  Afternoon Coca-Cuyuja River. 
Overnight new San Jorge de Guacamayos Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY THREE & FOUR - Bird Photo San Jorge de Guacamayos Reserve.  Private Cock of the Rock Lek. Observation decks, trail walking.
Overnight San Jorge Guacamayos Lodge, includes 3 meals per day

DAY FIVE - Bird Photo Wayra, continue to San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo Bird & Wildlife Reserve. 
Overnight new San Jorge de Sumaco Bajo Aquatic Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY SIX - Bird Photo San Jorge Sumaco Bajo 65’ tower over canopy.  Afternoon aquatic observations decks, surrounding of lodge, pond and lagoon.
Overnight San Jorge Sumaco Bajo Lodge, includes 3 meals

DAY SEVEN - am airport transfer to Coca Airport
(fly Coca to Quito Airport - purchase air ticket on own - Latham Airlines 50min. flight departs Coca 10:15 am)

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San Jorge Eco-Lodges is a licensed Quito Tour Operator.  We offer the following pre-scheduled or private tours:
  • Birdwatching Tours, Hummingbird Tours
  • Bird & Wildlife Photography Tours
  • Nature Eco-Tours, Cultural Tours & Student Educational Programs


Choose a pre-scheduled tour date & itinerary, or specify your own travel dates to us.  Please tell us how many people will be traveling with you.

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ecuador hummingbird poster - san jorge eco-lodge quito ecuador birding
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Birding List

Cheryl Korowotny
International Director
The Magic Birding & Photography  Circuit
Quito – Tandayapa – Milpe - Cosanga - Estero Hondo-Sumaco Bajo-Guacamayos
Ecuador – South America
(877) 565-2596 Toll Free USA & Canada.

San Jorge has been awarded the Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence for the past 11 consecutive years!


Photography accredited to George Cruz